Observed and Recorded Permutation of the Holy Spirit X
33.75 inches x 83.5 inches
pastel and powdered graphite erasing on dura-lar
Observed and Recorded Permutation of the Holy Spirit XI
36 inches x 81 inches
pastel and powdered graphite erasing on dura-lar
Observed and Recorded Permutation of the Holy Spirit XII
40 inches x 83 inches
pastel and powdered graphite erasing on dura-lar
Observed and Recorded Permutation of the Holy Spirit XIII
40 inches x 79.25 inches
pastel and powdered graphite erasing on dura-lar
Observed and Recorded Permutation of the Holy Spirit IX
34 inches x 79 inches
pastel erasing on dura-lar
Observed and Recorded Permutation of the Holy Spirit XIV
40 inches x 79 inches
pastel and powdered graphite erasing on dura-lar
Private Collection
Observed and Recorded Permutation of the Holy Spirit XV
40 inches x 79 inches
pastel and powdered graphite erasing on dura-lar