May 2020 - October 2023
60 drawings were made in total, 53 have survived. All of the drawings were an exercise of translating bible verses, 35 have been included here. This is the first time in my life that I have used drawing as a form of therapy. I learned that I could internalize scripture to combat fear and anxiety to produce healing. These images reveal my sense of humor with faith, relationship and familiarity with Jesus. Once the images were completed I noticed that pretense had been abandoned due to time constraints and my mental health at the time of creation. For example; it no longer made sense to agonize over; a type of paper, the perceived audience, how to convey this subject matter, what will people think, are these contemporary enough? I made these in the privacy of my studio without anyone but myself, God and a few people who attended my class each week.
During the pandemic, I co-hosted a class on zoom called Art as Prayer. We used a method originally developed by Michael Stoeber, Professor of B.A.; M.A.; S.T.L.; Ph. D. Professor of Spirituality and Philosophy of Religion, Regis College at the University of Toronto. Each session started by discussing an artist who made/makes art about Jesus Christ, then we would pray a short prayer, spend 30 minutes devising a plan and executing a work of art. Lastly, we discussed our creations in a traditional art critique-like format. My aim each session was to translate scripture verses, literally, so that I could deepen my faith in very trying times.
No. 37
Pastel and Pencil on Paper 2022
L 24 inches x W 16 inches
In 1601 Caravaggio, an Italian, Baroque master painted this image of Jesus at a supper with his disciples after they walked on the road together. The Bible says they didn’t recognize him until they sat to eat with him and then he vanished. Poof, gone. Caravaggio and I both try to capture the sublime entering the Disciple’s daily routine and the astonishment they may have felt. But I also capture Jesus’ radiance in that moment by reducing the color and Food. this drawing took me 15 minutes, I consider it a sprint.
No. 61 Leviathan vs. the holy spirit
oil based crayon, pastel on paper
L 14 inches x 24 inches
No. 10 “Is Satan talking to me?”
oil based Crayon on Paper
L 25 inches x W 19 inches
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 12 inches x W 18 inches
no. 41
Oil based crayon, Pastel, Colored Pencil on Paper
L 27.5 inches x W 24 inches
No. 5
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 12 inches x W 35.5 inches
no. 26 “OVER the falls”
oil based Crayon , pastel and Pencil on Paper
L 26 inches x W 23 inches
no. 27 “Square Halos”
oil based Crayon, Pastel and Pencil on Paper
L 29.5 inches x W 26 inches
no. 28 “Every foot is a shrine…”
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 34 inches x W 13 inches
no. 24 “HOLY BOMB”
oil based Crayon, Colored Pencil and Pencil on Paper
L 23.5 inches x W 20.5 inches
no. 30
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
Inspired by norman rockwell’s “Mr. Apple” 1970, and Rene MagriTte’s “ son on Man” 1964
L 16.5 inches x W 23 inches
no. 40 “What our Lord Saw From The Cross REVISED”
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
Original Composition Inspired by James Tissot c. 1890 “ What our lord saw from the cross”
L 31.5 inches x W 28 inches
no. 44 “Scripture also known as Peace is a fuzzy ball”
Oil based crayon, Pastel, Colored Pencil on Paper
L 21 inches x W 22.5 inches
no. 25 “Jacob Wrestling the Angel”
oil based Crayon, Pastel and Pencil on Paper
L 18 inches x W 24 inches
No. 13
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 27 inches x W 13 inches
no. 29
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 36 inches x W 9 inches
no. 33 “If a ruler listens to lies, all of his officials become wicked. proverbs 29:12”
oil based Crayon on Paper
L 13.25 inches x W 31.5 inches
no. 36
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 19 inches x W 12 inches
no. 37
Oil based crayon, Pastel, Colored Pencil, Pastel on Paper
Inspired by Carvaggio “Supper at Emmaus” 1601
L 14.25 inches x W 18.5 inches
No. 9
oil based Crayon and Pen on Paper
L 24 inches x W 9 inches
No. 53
Oil based crayons, pastl, colored pencil and pencil on paper
L 12 inches x W 18 inches
no. 18
oil based Crayon, Pastel and Pencil on Paper
L 24 inches x W 9 inches
no. 19
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 34 inches x W 18 inches
no. 20
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 28 inches x W 34.5 inches
no. 22 “ self-Portrait”
oil based Crayon, Pastel and Pencil on Paper
L 34.5 inches x W 9 inches
no. 47
Oil based crayon, Pastel, Colored Pencil, Pencil on Paper
L 18 inches x W 23.5 inches
no. 50 “SEVEN”
Oil based crayon, Pastel, Colored Pencil, Pencil on Paper
L 12 inches x W 9 inches
No. 8
oil based Crayon on Paper
L 25.5 inches x W 9 inches
No. 11
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 10 inches x W 26 inches
no. 42 “Mullet yard”
oil based Crayons, colored pencils, Pencil, Pastel on Paper
L 21.5 inches x W 27 inches
no. 12
oil based Crayon and Pencil, Pastel on Paper
L 22.5 inches x W 9.5 inches
no. 21 “Supernova: a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass”
oil based Crayon, Pencil on Paper
L 24 inches x W 9 inches
no. 16 “self portrait”
oil based Crayon and Pencil on Paper
L 13 inches x W 9 inches
Oil based crayon, Pastel, Colored Pencil, Pencil on Paper
L 19 inches x W 12.5 inches
no 49
Oil based crayon, Pastel, Colored Pencil on Paper
L 24 inches x W 11 inches
no. 23
oil based Crayon, Pastel and Pencil on Paper
L 17.5 inches x W 24 inches
no. 43
oil based crayon, Pencil on paper
Inspired by Delacroix’s “Pieta” 1850, and Van Gogh’s “ pieta (After Delacroix” September 1889.
L 22.5 inches x W 11 inches
no. 35 “When Mockers Unite”
oil based crayon, Pencil on paper
L 9 inches x W 24 inches
no. 54 “ Spring Has Sprung”
pastel on paper
l 24 inches x 18 inches
no. 55 “The Preacher”
my version of Rembrandt’s “The preaching/sermon of St. John the Baptist”, Created in 1635
pastel on paper
L 48 inches x H 48 inches