Golden Paints Sponsorship
/Every year, thousands of teens submit their art and/or writing to the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition. This competition is open to all teens between seventh and twelfth grade. The Scholastic Awards provide an opportunity for students to express their creativity, win scholarships, and join exhibitions and publications. Golden Paints, a leading manufacturer of colors and mediums for artists, is a sponsor for the GOLDEN Educators Residency. GOLDEN honors educators with an incredibly unique opportunity as it is very hard to get corporate sponsorships in the art industry. Every year, GOLDEN honors twelve educators that have helped students to win a Scholastics Art & Writing Award. Three educators are invited to a two-week artists’ residency in upstate New York. GOLDEN also sponsors nine other finalists with $1,000 Golden Artist Colors gift certificates that can be cashed in for any materials they wish to work with. Pamela Diaz Martinez was one of the finalists and received a $1,000 voucher for GOLDEN materials.