Zine for Westminster Christian Emphasis Week


The Westminster Schools, more commonly known as Westminster, is a private school for students (K-12) located in Atlanta, Georgia. Westminster is a nondenominational Christian school, teaching students about religion and values through courses, activities, and clubs. Every year, Westminster hosts Christian Emphasis Week: a school week devoted to connecting students and faculty with Christian teaching and values. The school schedule is altered during this week to make time for students and faculty to learn and understand religious lessons that relate to their lives. The Westminster Lower School reverend asked Pamela Diaz Martinez to give a talk during Christian Emphasis Week and to create a zine. Martinez spoke in front of the Lower School about her conversion to Christianity. She also self-published her second zine, titled β€œThe End, I Mean, The Beginning,” which shared the story of how religion changed her life. Copies of her zine were distributed to over 500 kids and adults. Martinez also shared a blank zine so others could illustrate their own stories to share with friends and family. She hand drew all the pages in the zine with her personal illustration style, specifically for this event.