This December : Solo Show
/Observed and Recorded Permutation of The Holy Spirit XI
(36 inches x 81 inches-pastel and powdered graphite erasing on dura-lar)
When I lived on the West Coast, life as an artist was very different. I had an agent that would connect me with galleries, museums and arts institutions. She was amazing. We got along very well, it was like having an older, wiser sister in charge of my career. When I moved to the South East, everything changed. For the past 3.5 years, just like everyone else, I had to hit the pavement, make connections, in search of shows.
I am happy to announce that just a few weeks ago I signed a contract with a gallery in Atlanta, For the first time in my career, I will be represented by a commercial gallery. This is the thing that most artists covet and it came just when I wasn’t looking. I received an email from Robin Bernat, Gallerist, starting this process. As a result, I am having my first solo show in Atlanta, Georgia titled:
An idiosyncratic path toward…
Reception: Saturday, December 8th (4pm - 7pm) This exhibition runs from December 8 to January 5.
A musical recital from ensemble Cantos y Cuentos will occur on:
Thursday, December 13, 2018 7:30pm
This exhibition will feature some new and familiar pieces presented in a new context.
{Poem 88}
1123 Zonolite Road NE Suite 20A Floataway Building Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Gallery hours: Wed-Sat, 11-5, and by appointment
Please join us and bring a friend or 7.