Bakersfield Museum of Art Presents
/Detail of Observed and Recorded Permutation of The Holy Spirit - I
Drawings By Three California Artists
Scott Hassell, Pamela Diaz Martinez, and Anne Marie Rousseau explore fascinating ways to interpret the subject of the line and all its manifestations. Scott Hassell works with diluted acrylic inks combined with alcohol to create interesting and varied color mixtures. Pamela Diaz Martinez looks to weather patterns to create reductive drawings using pastel on Duralar. Anne Marie Rousseau uses a deceptively simple formulation of connecting 100 points on a line to another 100 points on a line to discover how a rudimentary line can convey meaning. Through a combination of spills, bush strokes, and erasure marks, each artist’s processes result in an enticing blend of patterns and abstract shapes.
Observed and Recorded Permutation of The Holy Spirit - I
9.5in. x 21in. powdered graphite erasing on dura-lar
#OpeningReception: Music, food and good company. Other artists include Kuzana Ogg and Dennis Hare
January 22, 2015 7-9p.m.
*Show runs through April 19th.