#OpeningReception Extended For You!
/Helloooooo.....every Saturday at midnight for the next 11 weeks I will be posting a new image from my most current exhibition at the #BakersfieldMuseumofArt
Very few people will get a chance to see the work because the museum is so far away....which also means you missed the #OpeningReception.
Sooooooo, In honor of all of the absentee art lovers out there, I will be extending the #OpeningReception on social media for all of my supportive friends, art lovers, loved ones and anyone who is in want of more art or more God in their lives.
I'd love to know your thoughts. Send them my way when you the have time or the inclination.
Title: Observed and Recorded Permutation of The Holy Spirit - IV
9.5 inches x 21 inches-pastel erasing on dura-lar
*price available upon request
*images will be posted in a random order
*each erasing has the same title with a roman numeral: Observed and Recorded Permutation of The Holy Spirit - I, II, etc.