Third Image of #OpeningReception
/Physical Inspiration: a swirling school of fish
If this series of 13 erasings created for the #BakersfieldMuseumofArt was to have a "title track" this erasing-drawing would be it! It is both drawn with a pencil and erased with as many as 5 different erasers.
Spiritual Inspiration: Acts 2:2
All of my work hinges on one piece of scripture , I didn't illustrate this verse but when I see the verse and the erasing - drawing side by side, it sure seems like I did.
Acts 2:2 says....And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. They meaning, the disciples of Jesus Christ, were waiting in an upper room for the Holy Spirit. But, they didn't know what they were waiting for. Jesus had died but appeared to them 3 days after his death and told them to wait for about 40 days in Jerusalem. This verse is the description of what happened on that day, which we now call Pentecost.
I'd love to know your thoughts. Send them my way when you the have time or the inclination.
Title: Observed and Recorded Permutation of The Holy Spirit - V
9.5 inches x 21 inches-pastel erasing on dura-lar
*price available upon request
*images will be posted in a random order every Saturday night at 11:59 p.m.
*each erasing has the same title with a roman numeral: Observed and Recorded Permutation of The Holy Spirit - I, II, etc.